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Luckily the current CPCleader in Guangxi has realized the problem and is now focusing on promoting connections between Yunnan and Guizhou。 And they have also proposed tobuild Canals!

云南和贵州云南和贵州穷的原因极其相似,所以Janus Dongye决定将其放在一起讨论。跟分析甘肃一样,让我们先看看这两个省让人望而生畏的地貌。大山的子孙Janus Dongye这样描述道:板块运动使得印度次大陆持续“挤压”,云贵地区的山越来越高、河流持续将峡谷侵蚀得越来越深,这里的地形变得越来越像“皱纹”。

中国包揽超算制造商前三甲,联想173台夺冠值得关注的趋势是,中国超算制造商在国际舞台上扮演日益重要的角色。十大超算制造商中有4家中国企业,联想、浪潮、中科曙光更是包揽了前三甲,分别贡献了173台、71台和63台。三家公司的系统份额较半年前均有所提升。值得一提的是,联想已连续三期蝉联超算TOP 500榜单冠军,从一年前的117台,到半年前的140台,再增长到此次的173台。


同样的距离、同样重量的物品、同样耗时、同样的情况,美国UPS三日服务的运输成本是26.13美元。For comparison, the total cost for shipping a 1kg package from Boston to Reno in Nevada (a similar 4000km) in the US is $26.13 according to the UPS shipping price calculator under the UPS‘ three-day service。

对于公路和铁路网的密度和可达性方面,广西还有很大的提升空间。我不再具体列出,因为这个方面与云南和贵州相似。Regarding its road and railway network, Guangxi still has a lot of rooms to improve in terms of density and accessibility。 I will not list their detailed projects because they are similar to Yunnan and Guizhou。
